On Tuesday, December 5th 1967, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol headed a consultation attended by Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, IDF Chief of Staff Yizhak Rabin and other senior IDF commanders and PM Office officials. On the agenda: “Exchange of views on the Administered Territories.”
סדר היום: החלפת דיעות בעניין השטחים המוחזקים
“The question is should we not be preparing some alternative; and for me this forum, as represented here, is too large. But still this is a group of people used to drawing up plans. And as much as these plans make sense – whether you use them or not – it should be examined if there is another way regarding the territory, that will provide us security, or strengthen our security but still will not necessitate us to accept all the Arabs to our State.”
(PM Levi Eshkol, page 5)