“Tantura,” a new documentary film by director Alon Schwartz revisits the story of the Palestinian village of Tantura (now Dor Beach, next to Kibbutz Nahsholim). The village, located on the southern Carmel shore, was conquered by the Alexandroni brigade’s 33rd battalion on the night between May 22 and 23, 1948. The film goes beyond the conquest of the village and the bitter fate of 1,500 of its residents, revisiting the firestorm that erupted in early 2000 after a master’s thesis for the University of Haifa examined whether Jewish fighters massacred detainees  in Tantura. What do we know about what happened in Tantura? Why did a thesis paper cause  such an uproar?

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Letter from General Staff/Operations Directorate to heads of the Haganah,
April 7, 1948 - Settlement plan

Directive issued to an Alexandroni brigade commander in Tantura,
May 29, 1948

Report from Tantura base commander,
June 9, 1948

A journalist’s report from Tantura,
June 11, 1948

Village of Tantura, 1946